A year ago my girl friend and her son were living with me. Her son would continually hit, pull his tail and ears of my dog Sergeant. Despite my telling his mther multiple times she needed to control her son the abuse continued...without my knowledge. Until one day Sergeant had enough and bit the boy to get him to stop in the only way a dog knows how. This was the only time he bit anyone and he hasn't bit anyone since then. Now after it's been over a year since it happened the mother of the child complained to the town. After a meeting the Selectmen voted to have him euthanized. I'm appealing their decision to the District Court. I appreciate your support to save my dog. He doesn't deserve to be euthanized! I go to court august 21 and need $3,500 for his lawyer if anyone could please donate by sending to my paypal account by entering my email soldiergoody@aol.com thank you so much
Opdater #310 år siden
Thank you to anyone who has signed I truly appreciate the support for my dog
Opdater #210 år siden
Please donate for sergeants lawyer to my paypal just enter my email soldiergoody@aol.com we appreciate any donations to help save sergeants life thank you
Opdater #110 år siden
I am asking people to please donate money for sergeants lawyer to my paypal account. To donate you can go to www.paypal.com and click send money and type in my email soldiergoody@aol.com thank you