Demand the FCC to deny the Comcast/Time Warner merger!

  • af: Kris Ettel
  • mottagare: P. Michele Ellison, FCC, Enforcement Bureau Chief

This merger could create a monopoly for up to 30% of the nation’s cable and internet uses. Comcast already has a deal with Verizon limiting Veriozon’s FIOS (A far superior service) to the small area it already has with no option to expand. Comcast is already trying to end unlimited data for a set amount a month. Some markets already have a 300 gigabyte limit and pay $10 for every 50gb over the limit they go. Sounds like a lot, but beware if you stream Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or any other videos in HD as that can chew up several gb all on their own. Xbox game downloads can use up as many as 44GB!


Your bill will probably go up (again) if you’re a Comcast Customer. They’re already damaging other companies like Netflix by outbidding for content that they don’t use. Comcast has consistently neglected to expand their servers to accommodate streaming video. As a result many customers already complain about the quality or speed of their videos. Comcast has refused to upgrade its own equipment because they claim that would be benefiting the competition. How about benefiting your customers?


Comcast has consistently tried to gain a monopoly, and as such there are many areas that it is their only option for cable or internet service. Please don’t let them expand their monopoly and bleed more money from their customers!

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