Re-Instate C20 Bus Stop at Marine Drive and University Blvd.

We, the undersigned users of Wreck Beach and Pacific Spirit Regional Park, draw TransLink Management’s attention to the following:
1. Our tax dollars fund TransLink (TL) which is for all public users. As major stakeholders on the Point Grey Peninsula, Wreck Beach Preservation Society (WBPS) members/ users deserve the same respect accorded residents, members of UNA and the Endowment Lands in Electoral District A, and UBC Staff, Faculty and students. Therefore, the WBPS should also have been directly contacted by TL regarding removal of the C20 Bus Stop at Marine Drive and University Blvd. as advised Fall 2015 by Krista Falkner of UBC Transportation. The WBPS was founded 47 years ago on the principles of having public input, before NOT after the fact regarding proposals of possible impact on Wreck Beach users and/or on the beach, foreshore and cliffs;
2. It is unacceptable that TransLink claims they are “responsible for safety of students,” made in the same context as references to “increased sexual assaults on Campus.” West Area Parks, stewards of Wreck Beach, and the UBC Detachment of the RCMP were also not consulted or asked about the importance of that C20 bus stop to Wreck Beach users. No publicity appeared in The Vancouver Sun or Province and did not specify that C20 bus stop or Wreck Beach. Groups were not approached unless they asked.
3. Persons with mobility problems or age-related problems or families with small children, find it arduous to go another 440 steps or 60 metres after climbing nearly 500 steps; many Bus drivers along Lower Mall have also complained about the number of speed bumps. We of the Wreck Beach Community and Stakeholders on the Point Grey Peninsula therefore respectfully request the permanent re-instatement of that C20 TransLink Bus Stop in the summer of 2016!

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