Justice for Mičo the cat!

Mičo was a cat who lived most of the time outside at the pub in my village (Videm-Dobrepolje, Slovenia). He had a bad accident, got stuck in a window. He was saved soon enough but had minor nerve and muscle injuries, his left back leg was almost paralysed and the right one wasn't working correctly.

I took care of him for a month, recovery was a success, little by little, we became very good friends. After a blood test, we discovered he was positive to leucosis. We knew that if he continued to live outside, he would be condemned to die, so the people who were helping us and I, decided to search for a new home for him.

We quickly found an adopter, four days after the blood test result. A member from the association Mačja Hiša, which helped us to find a new home for Mičo, told me I couldn't find better person for Mičo. We were all so happy, a new life with love and care was waiting for him.

Sadly, two days after Mičo went to his new home, he died in very strange circumstances, there's no trace of his body, people are hiding the truth, why? Mičo was not dying, he was not in terminal phase of leucosis. We want justice for Mičo, the cat who wanted to live more than everything!

Mister, Madam,

we ask for the truth to be told about the strange circumstances of Mičo's death. What really happened, where is his body ? Where are the medical evidences explaning how he died after such a short time?
May the people involved in this tragic ending give us answers.

we ask for the truth to be done about the strange circumstances of Mičo's death. What really happened, where his body is? Where are the medical evidences explaning how did he die in such a short time?
May the people involved in this tragic ending give us answers.

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