Take a Stand for Student Mental Health in Kentucky!

It's time that mental health is recognized to be just as important as physical health, especially for our students. House Bill 44 is a bipartisan, student led bill that allows for mental health as a valid absence from school in Kentucky. This bill allows the start of de-stigmatizing mental health by allowing it to be talked about and commonly said in valid situations. Not only does House Bill 44 allow for open communication about mental health but it allows students who genuinely can't make it through the day and won't be able to give 100% to school, to take a break and come back ready to learn.

The bill has been passed through the house and is now in the Senate. It's time to let your voice be heard before it is too late. Sign now to support House Bill 44, student mental well being, and to prove to our legislators just how important this bill is.

Opdater #32 år siden
Gov. Andy Beshear has officially signed HB 44 into law! Thank you to everyone who supported this bill!
Opdater #22 år siden
While the bill passed committee unanimously, we did not get passed for consent. If it had, it would go straight to the governor for his approval or veto.

Because of this, it must be heard on the senate floor before it can be passed as a law. The catch, there are only FOUR DAYS LEFT for them to hear our bill. Don't get to our bill in time? It dies and we start again next year.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: email Kentucky Legislators and reach out to everyone to push the importance of a small bill.
Opdater #12 år siden
Thank you to everyone who signed! The bill passed through the Senate Education Committee unanimously!! HB 44 will be heard on the Senate floor soon! Continue to share the support with your friends and email your legislators to support as well! Thank you again for the support!
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