426 Whales Will Be Killed in Iceland This Year

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir

URGENT UPDATE: It's June, and that means that Icelandic whaling ships are gearing up for the take. In a silver lining to the upcoming slaughter, the whaling ship outfitted to hunt fin whales is so old it needs refitting and so the 209 fin whales that were in the bullseye will live to swim another day. Unfortunately, that isn't the case for the 217 minke whales that, starting this month, will be hunted, harpooned and killed. Please continue to sign and share this petition, this madness must stop. 

Iceland has said "Off with their heads" to a total of 426 whales a year. The government has set an annual whaling quota of 209 fin whales and 217 minke whales.  

These quotas are not approved by the International Whaling Commission, and for good reason, fin whales are an endangered marine mammal. And while some species might be regionally in jeopardy, the fin whale is at risk of being hunted to extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

That's why it is extremely baffling that Iceland, one of the most progressive nations on Earth, would allow whaling to continue in their waters. Hvalur, Inc , — the national whaling company — is responsible for the agonizing death of countless whales. The innocent mammals are harpooned, dragged in and then secured to the side of the ship. If they aren't already dead, they must endure an excruciating trip back to shore before they are finally butchered and sent off to Japan for consumption.

Altogether, some 426 whales could be murdered if Iceland doesn't ban this barbaric practice.

Ask Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir to do what is right. Sign the petition and ask Iceland to put an end to whaling now.

Opdater #15 år siden
The whaling ship outfitted to hunt fin whales is so old it needs refitting and so the 209 fin whales will get a one year reprieve from the hunt. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for the 217 minke whales still up for slaughter. It’s time this madness end.
Share this petition with your friends and keep up the pressure.
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