Save Turtles: Stop the Estey's Bridge Quarry in New Brunswick

Wood turtles are a threatened species in New Brunswick. These gentle creatures prefer to spend most of their lives in streams and forests, coming out only to lay eggs on the gravelly areas near them.

However, a new proposed quarry threatens this beautiful species, through destruction of habitat and increased road traffic.

And turtles are not the only ones at risk in this project. The health effects of increased dust and pollution from trucks is a major concern to the area that already has two quarries operating. Another is just too much.

Despite local conservationists and planners standing against the project, the government of New Brunswick has been hesitant to stop it. Right now, we need a huge response to help raise the voices of this small community that is fighting for its turtles and its health.

Sign today to protect wood turtles! By signing today you are sending a strong message that another quarry is unnecessary and dangerous for the local residents: human and non-human alike.

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