• af: Franco G
  • mottagare: Prime minister Theresa May.

The United States of America and the United Kingdom have been the closest nations for over a century. It is in the British people and United Kingdom's interest above all else to keep a close bond with America and its new president for future national prosperity.

Dear Prime minister Theresa May, 

It is with great pleasure that i am able to present you with this petition on behalf of the democratic patriots of Great Britain. 

This petition represents a small portion of our great nation wanting to be heard on the approval of accepting and welcoming President Donald j Trump to our country this year. 

The protesting voices both within parliament, media and amongst the British public wish to harm and embarrass the integrity of our nation and its proud people and divide our relationship with the United States of America. 

As you surely know, a breakdown in close relations with our American cousins would be unthinkable and catastrophic in many aspects of being a successful, prosperous and secure nation. 

We the loyal and supportive British people have every faith in your leadership and know that you have the best interests of our country and its people. 

Please take some time to read some of the comments in this petition expressing views and concerns.

Best regards in your position as our prime minister.we believe in you. 

Franco Gargaro

 for and on behalf of president Trump and the signatures in this petition. 

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