ClOSE DOWN Research on Animals at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center
At Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, animal testing and experimentation is still legal. You can find job postings for "Animal Care Specialists" where their role is to clean the cages and even assist in holding down the animal during medical experiments. These animals are donated from shelters and when they enter through those doomed doors, have absolutely no chance of survival and being loved again by a future family.
They will spend the rest of their life locked in metal cages, occasionally moved around from research lab to another until the poison in their body or the stress of their situation kills them. When they enter these rooms, they're restrained by humans themselves or tied down with table restraints...similar to ones used for convicts who receive medical attention.
Once there, they are injected with substances that are often poisonous, painful, and deathly for these animals. They leave this world in a painful and brutal way being betrayed by humans who they thought were supposed to love and protect them .
This needs to end now! We need to fight for the release of these trapped animals so they can receive helpful medical care immediately. We need to place them with forever families or send them to animal sanctuaries where they can happily thrive and live.
Animals do not need to be the chosen method to experiment on. If scientists are testing chemicals that are already hazardous and deathly to begin with, why would you even question using them on humans and murdering thousands of animals for no profitable reason in the meantime. Our earth needs to resort to traditional, natural, and pure ways of healing which has worked for the entire existence of humanity. Stop creating useless materials at the expense of so many innocent lives that have absolutely no choice.
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