SA Prep Parent Petition

We the parents, students, and community members of San Antonio Prep demand the following action items and legal requests be met immediately.

1. Special session board meeting held in the cafeteria of San Antonio Preparatory on Monday September 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm. All parents will be notified the agenda will include the following items:
1. List of allegations.

2. Who made the the allegations.

3. What are the specific details.

4. Who are the people that currently know the specific details.

2.Explanation from the board why the 8/24/23 meeting was announced last minute, at an inaccessible time for staff members, students, parents, community members and stakeholders to attend.

3.A copy of Mrs. Hall- Furmans previous evaluations.

4. Appointment of a neutral candidate as the Interim Superintendent for the sake of trust and transparency.

5.Dissolution of no contact order of Stephanie Hall Furman.

6.Immediate termination of Tija Mitchell due to violent criminal history. Cease and Diciest of Larina Mitchell commenting of any private employee matters.

7.Temporary appointment of a community member, parent, 11th grade current SA PREP student, and staff member to the current board during the investigation.

8.While Investigation is ongoing no board members are allowed on campus.

9.Video footage of all of the campus cameras from 6/01/23- Present day to be turned over to all attorneys involved.

10.The names of the investigators who will conduct the investigation . The agency they are associated with. Their relationship to any board members and the start date and timeline of services.

11.Deposition of all staff members and board members from 22-23 to present in regard to the following:

● .Outside personal relationships with board members and Tija Mitchell and his family. Knowledge of other staff members and relationships to board members.
● .Coercion of statements of faculty members
● Conspiring with Tija Mitchell

● Knowledge of false statements
● Previous interviews in regard to work culture given by Tija Mitchell
● Timeline of negative, and derogatory statements and private information made by Tija
mitchell, Larina Mitchell, Cherry Griffin
● Any and all relationships that can be considered conflicts of interest to include outside business relationships internal and external.

12. Full transparency on the Superintendant appointment as a paid or volunteer position and what the amount of payment is if it is paid

13. Weekly updates of the progress of the investigation through written and electronic form.

14. A point of contact for parents and students for inquiries, whistleblowers, and concerning actions and behaviors among the board members, investigators and stakeholders.

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