Supernatural Convention in Asia
We Asian Supernatural fans are at a disadvantage when it comes to attending conventions of our favorite television show because there are no Supernatural conventions organized in our respective countries or other neighboring countries at the moment. The Supernatural convention held in Australia is the closest to us but the travel expenditure is too expensive for most of us to make that trip. So we sincerely hope that The Hub Productions would consider organizing a convention in Asia, we are not choosy about the exact location of the convention. Since many of us are from Malaysia, Singapore, India and Indonesia, it would be nice to have the convention in one of these countries as it would be easier for us to travel there instead. We also would like to appeal to international fans all over the world to sign our petition and help us in making our wish come true. Thank you.
We the undersigned, Asian Supernatural fans, would like to appeal to The Hub Productions to organize a Supernatural convention in Asia to give us a chance to attend a convention of our favorite show and meet its stars. Currently, the closest Supernatural convention being held is in Australia but the travel expenditure involved in making the trip there proves to be an obstacle to most of us. Therefore, we have started this petition in hopes that The Hub Productions would come to recognize the market for a Supernatural convention here in Asia and help us make our wish come true. We would like to thank you for taking the time to read this petition.
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