Ban the Bang in Fireworks and stop scaring Pets, Farm Animals and Wildlife

  • af: A Tune
  • mottagare: Prime Minister

Fireworks are not only used on November 5th but all year round by many thoughtless individuals and the Bangs from these get louder every year scaring many animals and even some humans.

Inconsiderate and mindless people spend fortunes on fireworks and the celebration of Bonfire Night starts at the end of October and seems to last for over 2 weeks. The law states fireworks are not to be let off between 11pm and 7am but WHO and HOW can this be policed? It Can't and Isn't.

Dogs, Cats, Horses, Cattle, Sheep and many more including Wildlife animals have no idea what these Load Bangs and Bright Flashes are so let's put a stop to them NOW.

Organised Bonfires with Bright Lights, Sparklers and Toffee Apples are surely enough to make November 5th (ONLY) a night for families to enjoy. 


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