No Campfires in Santa Cruz Mountains State Parks Campgrounds Until Drought Over

  • af: Teri Ellen Westra
  • mottagare: Chet Bardo, State Parks Superintendent, Santa Cruz County

Do not let The Santa Cruz Mountains be the next story on the news. Drought conditions, and excessive fuel load, have created extremely dangerous conditions. Campfires, while fun, are not necessary for individuals to enjoy the beauty and wonder of our Mountains and State Parks.
Even the best tended fire can produce an ember which can travel a mile. Fire fighting resources are stretched and needed elsewhere.
Common sense dictates this decision, and there is no justifiable reason to endanger the forest, wildlife, and full time residents of the communities that surround State Park property.
We respectfully ask that you honor your responsibility to safeguard these precious lands, the wildlife that occupy them, and the people who call the surrounding areas home, as well as your stated commitment to work in partnership with individuals impacted by your decisions.

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