Increase Funding for Horse Rescue

  • af: member of Care2
  • mottagare: Secretary of State for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
"Horses in the United Kingdom are facing a crisis: despite decreased demand for horses, breeding efforts continue. Groups of horses have been found abandoned or neglected across the UK, and the crisis is projected to get worse.
Continuing to breed horses threatens the livelihoods of all those that are unwanted, abandoned, or neglected. Because of their long lifespan and unique needs, horses are much harder to rehome and adopt out than dogs or cats. Neglected or abused horses are also less likely to find homes, as they potentially require years to recover. Yet the government must make an effort to address the growing problem of equines, including the irresponsibility of breeding more animals that may end up burdening rescues already taxed to the limit.
Petition the government to encourage and aid rehoming and adoption operations, increase funding for rescue and restrict unnecessary breeding."
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