Over the past two years, a condo developer has been in talks with city planners and other city officials to purchase 321 to 333 King Street West for the purpose of constructing condominium towers. The condo developer initially approached the city with a plan to build a 39 storey condo in this area; this original plan was denied by the city. A subsequent plan was drawn up for a 47 storey building and was approved.
As residents of Toronto and it's surrounding communities, we must act now in order to preserve the character and heritage of our city before it is too late. Toronto's world famous restaurant scene and nightlife will soon be nothing more than a memory if we allow developers and city planners to put profits before the cultural integrity of our city.

This decision to develop condos and eliminate restaurant row will affect Toronto residents, which see this project as only the beginning in a long process that will see the assimilation of restaurant row into another modern condominium complex. Unique and long standing restaurants, ones that have become a part of Toronto's history and culture, will be replaced by more bland and common franchises. The heritage and character of our city are being put second to the potential profits from other developments like this.​

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