Justice for Baby E

A British mother is seeking justice for her son to prevent him being taken by the state.  She has never harmed her son, he went into care at her request in July as she have no family and suffered a breakdown.  Social services placed her boy in foster placement based on information that was incorrect, his relatives offered to look after him, both had been CRB checked by social workers. Social services are trying to get him adopted despite asking for expert witnesses; both said he should be etrurned to her care.  She stayed in a mother and baby unit for 11 months despite the psychiatrist saying there was no clinical need for her to be there. She was misdiagnosed as suffering with bipolar, was told she had to leave her baby at an assessment for social services to collect when she was 8 months pregnant. She have been diagnosed as having a personality disorder, two experts said her baby should come home and social services should provide respite care if there is a crisis. Her current situation is she was diagnosed as having PMS and has been on injections for 3 months and successfully treated, her personality disorder is being reviewed in 6 months, her consultant is willing to support her.  Social services have done nothing to support her and her baby. 

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