Thank The Families Of The Brave Firefighters Who Lost Their Lives Trying To Stop The Australian Bushfires.

  • af: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Message of gratitude for the families of the deceased firefighters.

Unsung heroes are risking everything in the effort to fight the inferno that threatens the lives of countless Australian people and wildlife. Three of them recently perished. How many more will follow, before the mission is done?

Add your name if you want to send a powerful message of gratitude to the families of the brave folks who lost their lives helping others!

Three American firefighters lost their lives fighting the flames in Australia, when their air tanker tragically went down.

They were:

Capt. Ian H. McBeth of Great Falls, Montana;

First Officer Paul Clyde Hudson of Buckeye, Arizona;

Flight Engineer Rick A. DeMorgan Jr. of Navarre, Florida.

"McBeth, 44, was a highly qualified C-130 pilot who had a wife and three children, Coulson Aviation said. He also served with the Wyoming Air National Guard and was a member of the Montana Air National Guard.

"Hudson, 42, is survived by his wife. He served 20 years in the Marine Corps, during which he was a C-130 pilot, the company said.

"DeMorgan, 43, who had two children, served with the Air Force and had 18 years as a C-130 flight engineer, according to the company," reported NBC News.

Unfortunately, they are not alone...

"Firefighters Geoffrey Keaton, 32, and Andrew O'Dwyer, 36, died near the town of Buxton, southwest of Sydney. Both men were fathers to young children," reported CNN.

Imagine how these heroes must have felt during their last moments, far away from everyone they love...

Firefighters often work on the brink of death, surrounded by scorching flames and suffocating smoke. They get little sleep, and rarely have a chance to rest at all.

And the challenge they have before them is enormous...

The bushfires ravaging Australia are some of the biggest the world has ever seen.

"In total, more than 7.3 million hectares (17.9 million acres) have been burned across Australia's six states - an area larger than the countries of Belgium and Denmark combined," according to CNN. And they're doing it all in the midst of record-breaking heat.

Meanwhile, the folks on the front lines fighting the fires may wonder if anyone cares.

Don't you think it would mean a lot to them to know just how deeply we appreciate all their sacrifices, and that we will always back them up 100%?

That's why we put together this positive action petition.

Our goal is to give the Australian firefighters a clear message that they are loved, that they are appreciated, and that their fallen comrades will never be forgotten.

Don't you want to send these heroes a HUGE message of thanks, letting them know how much we value all the work they are doing to save people and animals from the Australian bushfires?

Then add your name to be included when we send this petition to the families of the firefighters mentioned above, along with our deepest gratitude for all the sacrifices they have made to end the chaos that is destroying Australia.

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