Hold Rover's Morning Glory Accountable for Inciting Violence Against Pit Bulls

In the Monday, May 6th, 2019, Rover's Morning Glory broadcast on iHeartRadio, the staff suggested shooting and poisoning pit bulls, calling them dangerous.

These actions were callous and reckless at best. They should be held accountable and removed from the radio.

Please sign so we can let iHeartRadio know that this kind of behavior is not to be tolerated. Thank you.

Listen to the broadcast here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/139-rovers-morning-glory-26717329/episode/duji-and-rover-are-doing-the-31161834/

Opdater #35 år siden
As on this morning, I've forwarded your signatures along with an email to iheart radio's support staff. As soon as I receive a response, I will update you with the results. Thank you all for your support! Together, hopefully we can make a change.
Opdater #25 år siden
As on this morning, I've forwarded your signatures along with an email to iheart radio's support staff. As soon as I receive a response, I will update you with the results. Thank you all for your support! Together, hopefully we can make a change.
Opdater #15 år siden
We're almost there. As soon as we hit 18,000, I'll be sending this up to iheart radio. Thank you everyone for your support!
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