End the Abuse: Stop Forcing Horses to Suffer for Olympic Glory

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: International Olympic Committee

The distressing footage of an Olympic gold medallist abusing a horse during training highlights a broader issue within equestrian sports. Such abuses are symptomatic of a deeper cultural problem in competitive horse training and handling. This calls for an urgent reassessment of the inclusion of equestrian sports in the Olympic Games. 

Sign this petition to urge the International Olympic Committee to temporarily remove equestrian sports from the Olympic Games until significant cultural changes and ethical practices are adopted!

The persistent mistreatment and exploitation of horses under the guise of sport and competition cannot be justified by medals or prestige. These animals endure significant stress and pain, often pushed to their limits for personal and national victories. 

By suspending equestrian events, the Olympics would set a powerful precedent that animal welfare is paramount and non-negotiable. This pause would allow time for the necessary cultural shifts and ethical overhauls within the sport, ensuring that when equestrian sports possibly return, they do so with the highest standards of animal welfare and dignity. Join us in demanding that the International Olympic Committee take immediate action. 

Sign the petition today to advocate for the suspension of equestrian sports in the Olympics until we can guarantee these magnificent creatures are treated with the respect and care they deserve.

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