Roadside zoos are still found all across the U.S. They are frequently not licensed, and show animals (like big cats, bears, and other big exotic animals) are often mistreated and disrespected, kept in unsanitary conditions with insufficient mobility, and poor diet.
Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does have regulations that are meant prevent abuse and enforce the standards of care for exotic animals at roadside zoos, state laws regarding the ownership of wild animals vary and laws in the South are particularly lax. In places where people can purchase exotic animals, they only need to undergo a simple application process through the USDA to exhibit their animals to the public. There is no requirement for exotic animal owners to have knowledge of proper care or needs for their animals; most are entirely unqualified and unprepared to provide animals with even basic dietary needs.
Among the worst offenders:
1. Tiger Truck Stop
2. Three Bears General Store
3. Natural Bridge Zoo
4. Wildlife In Need
5. Tuttle’s Tiger Safari
This website offers further detailed information, please visit it (I am not affiliated with the site or the writer in any way):
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