Shut down Hudson Valley Foie Gras for three good solid reasons!!!

Hudson Valley Foie Gras a.k.a 'HVFG' is an infamous company. Infamous for being pure evil. Oh no, not just for hideous animal cruelty, but also for polluting the environment with its massive factory farms, and literally ecomonically exploiting the roughly 300 undocumented workers who live in fetid, slum labor camps there.

That's 3 no-nos. Human slavery, Animal Welfare and Environmental damage. This has got to stop. And it will. How to help? Sign this petition and shut Hudson Valley Foie Gras down for good! More can be found out here! 

Help me reach 20,000 signatures! Spread the word by sharing on Google+, Twitter and Facebook and make sure that this vile 'gourmet' practise is wiped out for good!

Opdater #110 år siden
Nearly there. The war on this vile, disgusting torture is being won! The lives of thousands of innocent ducks will not be lost in vain!!!
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