Stop Natural England from giving people the right to kill robins and destroy their nests and eggs

Natural England is proposing that robins and other birds in England can be killed and their nests and their eggs destroyed. We must stop this proposal now!

According to the Guardian, "it appears that the country's 6.7m pairs of robins are no longer the feathered friend of yesteryear. A consultation by Natural England, the body that advises the government on the natural environment, has made the case for allowing people to destroy the birds' nests and remove their eggs, amid growing concerns that they threaten health and safety. Natural England is also looking at similar measures to permit "taking, damaging and destroying of nests and eggs" for pied wagtails and starlings."

This is straight-out wrong in every single sense of the word. Who are we to play god and decide what is to live and die?

We should be protecting wildlife not destroying it.

There is a reason for their existence. They are not here for our amusement or to annoy us. They are all part of the environment and need to be here.

Stop endangering our wildlife and messing up our world. As the Guardian says, "Natural England has produced an analysis which suggests that the new measures, permitted under what are known as "general licences", will have no conservation issues for the three bird species. It is also proposing similar action against greylag geese and mallards. But the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) says it is concerned that the measures, due to be introduced next year, will mean the birds' nests and eggs can be destroyed without monitoring."

Speak up and stop this injustice to these birds and their eggs and nests.

We should be helping birds, not destroying and killing them. We have literally destroyed huge parts of their homes and their natural environment. So it's only fair that they nest in our homes.

So sign and stop this Injustice and make Natural England realize that we don't accept the way they treat our beloved world and its wildlife and beautiful birds and all the other creatures that we share this world with.

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