Stop the Youtube Channel Primitive Wildlife Right now!

  • af: Ariana Leung
  • mottagare: The Youtube Channel Primitive Wildlife

So I've been scrolling down youtube suggestions when I come along to this video called Catch snakes in the wild, and it was gross! When those boys grasp into it and put their teeth into it and tear down the skin of the snake. It was just eeeeewwww! this happens to whole lot other animals too in their other videos, and that is when I just stop and make the "that's it" gesture and know I needed to something about this cruelty.
I know some people might think it's ok to do it because wild people do it as well, like for example, cave men people, they have to do it for survival. I get it, ok? I just feel like this torture for these animals should not be made for entertainment. Like if you need it for survival, yes, you can, this is what the food cycle is about, but for entertainment just to get more subscribers, nope, nope, nope. You're going way too far!
Please support this petition! It would mean plenty of lives save for those poor animals just wanted to live their lives like us!

Opdater #35 år siden
If you want the next generation to see species you have seen throughout ur life, this is the perfect way to sign up for this petition! During the easter, I've went to the museum of Taichung, and it has shown a lot of taxidermy animals stood there. And this made me think that, if all species goes extinct before the next century begin, then this is all the future are going to see. Fake animals just stuffed up. And that's not going to be fair for them. So if you don't want that to happen then please let's all make a difference, even if it's just a petition to sign.

I know I'm might be putting a lot of pressure to sign this, but this is up to you to make a difference. We could make a extension of the animal kingdom's life. It doesn't have to end up today.

So please stop this youtube channel from eating animals just for more subscribers and likes
Opdater #25 år siden
Quick help share this message around by sharing and speaking for the animals to your friends and families! Primitive Wildlife just posted around 4 new videos last week! We better stop them before they get their hands on their next video!
Opdater #16 år siden
Please help the desperate animals from this barbaric torture! YOU can make a difference to the world! The help would be one step closer if you just click this support button! Please share this to friends and relatives for help! Then if this is all up to the supporters that is needed, there will be one less thing to care about :)
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