I believe that every animal deserves a right to truly live, yet only some of us appreciate that. Put an end to cruel puppy mills.
In Australia, research shows there are more dogs than willing homes. Puppy mills, inhumane mass producers of puppies, are a contributing factor. 95% of puppies in pet stores (in Australia) are supplied by puppy mills, as estimated by the RSPCA.
Puppy mills, in many circumstances are when dogs are forced to breed for the sole purpose of income. These dogs are kept in inhumane conditions; in cages with often no light, no care or comfort. When a bitch is no longer capable of producin a sufficient litter, she will no longer be kept for breeding purposes. That is to say, a dog will spend her whole life in a cage, never to experience joy or fun.
Often, breeders claim to be a registered business. Well they are, of course, but as a business only. Not as dog breeders, therefore many are fooled and buy from these people.
Several puppy mills have been pinpointed and shut down, although this does not guarantee there are no others remaining in Australia. You can make a difference, but only if you choose to.
Save these innocent dogs being forced to breed for life.