Ban Wild Animals In Cruel Circus Acts!

A circus show was prevented from featuring exotic animals in Salt Lake City for the first time, thanks to activists!

Add your name if you want to spread this momentum nationwide!

"Amid community concern about its treatment of exotic animals, this year's Jordan World Circus performance at Salt Lake County's Equestrian Center will feature dogs, pigeons, ponies and a domesticated camel — but no tigers and elephants.

"That's a win for the Utah Animal Rights Coalition, which has been protesting the traveling show for years, calling it "outdated" and a "cruel spectacle". Now, the organization is pushing the county to create a formal policy that would prohibit the use of wild animals in circus acts in the future," according to The Salt Lake Tribune.

A member of the Utah Animal Rights Coalition cited "a caged tiger that appeared to be in psychological distress".

"And a handler's use of a bullhook, a rod used to train elephants that has a blunt or pointed hook resembling a fireplace poker," reported the same source.

Ultimately, no matter how well wild animals are treated in circuses, they simply aren't free.

They're forced to live through long periods of confinement, and do all kinds of absurd things against their nature, in front of huge, terrifying crowds of cheering people.

These animals deserve to live free and happy.

Don't you think it's time to stop abusing wild animals for entertainment all across the USA?

"The national trend has been the acceptance that using exotic and nonnative animals in the way they're used for circuses really is considered cruel," said Arlyn Bradshaw, Mountain West regional director for Best Friends Animal Society.

Fortunately, there is already a bill moving through Congress that would get the job done.

U.S. Representatives Ryan Costello and Raul Grijalva reintroduced H.R. 1759, The Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act, back in 2017. It is currently with the Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture, according to

Let's make sure this crucial, bipartisan bill gets passed into law!

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to use his prestige and placement in the public eye to draw attention to H.R. 1759.

Don't you want to stop wild animals from suffering for human entertainment?

Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to bolster support among the U.S. public, as well as in Congress, to pass The Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act into law!

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