• af: carol hulbert
  • mottagare: Senator Bill Rabon CC: Governor Pat McCrory, WRAL TV, WECT TV

Senator Bill Rabon of NC is the main reason NC HB 930 is not even being considered at this time.

 Senator, you have stated NC HB 930 is "a piece of crap" and "angels in heaven cannot make that bill pass" as well, you said, "....can't be bastardized, if you will. And it can't be allowed to spill over into animal husbandry in this state, which is an 80 billion dollar industry, larger than the other top five industries in the state." Yet while dogs continue to suffer in horrendous conditions, we get no alternative bills or solutions from you. You have stated that sometime in the future.....when??..... that you will make a bill that will pass.

 Meanwhile, dogs continue to endure living in small, nasty cages their entire lives, being bred as many times as their bodies will allow, until they are too worn out-- usaully at a young age; then they're either sold for money to another breeder who's willing to try and continue the abuse, they die, or are killed by their breeders because they can't be that cash animal anymore. This makes us a truly criminal society, and you sir, lead that pack.

  Breeding dogs in "puppy mills" are forced to eat, sleep, and defacate in the same cage where they spend 24 hours a day with no sunlight breathing thick, pungent ammonia. They suffer from a variety of disease from no vet care, pass disease to their many offspring. They are fed, if they're lucky enough, the shavings from the floor of dog food factories which gives them extremely poor body condition, from their skin to their hair, to their overgrown nails. If they are wounded because of overcrowding, they get no vet care and are forced to lie there in agony as parasites eat them inside and out, again from no vet care, for current needs and certainly no preventative needs.

 Right now thousands are going through this with little hope of ever being rescued. Being unsocialized from lack of any kindness or loving human contact-- which they crave since we bred them to be our companions-- causes a variety of issues from depression,to extreme fear of humans and everything in between. They never in their lives know the feeling of grass under their feet, or wind in their faces, or what it's like to RUN like a dog.

 This bill you're so against Senator, is in an EMERGENCY state in NC right NOW. As nearly every state to the north, south and west has implemented some sort of legislation to protect dogs in large breeding facilities, and we have not, NC has been inundated with puppy mills and sick, suffering, abused and neglected dogs. The breeding standards in any puppy mill are so poor, and innocent puppies are sold to an innocent public and represented as healthy dogs, which is far from the truth.

 We are all astounded and deeply saddened by your attitude regarding this bill and the fact that you are willing to allow innocent dogs suffer and die, never having any sort of life besides pain, to accomplish some personal agenda of your own. It further astounds and sickens us that you are also a veternarian. You should be very ashamed.

  We are the voice for the voiceless, we shall NEVER be silenced; we are united in this war and we are MANY, as well we will make our feelings known at election time, only months away. We pray that you would do what the good people who elected you know is only decent, right and common sense. If not, well sir, this is why we have elections and why we vote.

Opdater #310 år siden
I've changed the petition slightly, to make it clear, at first sight, what it's about. I felt maybe the title wasn't clear enough, many people don't know what HB930 is. I know people will sign if they know what this is!! Let's get on this, please share, I must turn this in soon so our state representatives will make the right decision!
Opdater #210 år siden
We were going strong, then it just seemed to stop. The powers that be will be deciding on this bill by the end of July, that's only next month, please sign and share!
Opdater #110 år siden
We're off to a great start, 450 signatures in just 3 days, please keep sharing so we may end the horror that is puppy mills!! Thank you all so much!!
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