Animal & Owners Justice

Every day dogs of all breeds are getting stolen in New Zealand. Taken from from the comforts and security of their own home leaving owners heartbroken and worried. Some may be lucky enough to make it back home. Why are these dogs getting targeted and stolen, where are they, who has them, how are they being treated, are they being used for breeding, are they being used as bait for fighting, are they still alive? These are questions we may never get answered and we will never know the trauma, stress and cruelty that the dog may face. Dog theft is a crime! Dog fighting is a crime! Dog negligence is a crime! No owner should have to advertise or offer huge amounts of money to try and entice the return of their dog, an animal that belongs to them! The Government and Police need to be made aware of how often this is happening, how severe this is and help stop it! Theses thieves are destroying peoples and animals lives! Sentencing for the theft of an animal has to be harsher. Sentencing for withholding information on the wherabouts of an animal should be harsher! It is now time to speak up New Zealand, stand up for what is ours and try to get our babies home!

Please sign this petition to help stop the theft our our fur babies.  I have arranged meetings with local MP's to show that more action needs to be done about dog theft. The Police need to do more and the Government needs to wake up and take notice that this is happening every day.  Sentencing of animal theft NEEDS to be harsher!!!

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