Fire Musk NOW

Elon Musk has clearly been successful in tech ventures, and made a lot of money. But he hasn't got a damn clue what he's doing when it comes to government. And he's causing damage that could be catastrophic. 

Musk must be fired NOW. Add your name, and demand that Trump do it. 

Musk claims that he is enhancing efficiency, but there is no method to his madness.  He is running around like a rabid monkey flinging poo in every direction.  He's cutting critically important workers without having a clue what they do -- and then trying desperately hire them back days or even hours later when he realizes his mistake (such as cutting the people who safegaurd our nuclear weapons).

He is putting us in danger, and it's time to stop pretending that he has any clue what he's doing.

Musk must be fired NOW. Add your name, and demand that Trump do it. And if Trump is too scared or dimwitted to do it, then Congress must take whatever action is necessary to make it happen.

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