Remove unsustainable Palm Oil from Baby Formula

  • af: A Concerned Mother
  • mottagare: CEO, The Hain Celestial Group, CEO, Whole Foods & CEO, Perrigo Company

As parents we want the best for our babies. We want products that are not only healthy, clean and safe but also sustainable for the planet. As a mother of two little boys, I will do everything in my power to protect them.

It is greatly disappointing to learn that some of the most popular organic brands of formula contain palm oil. Not only are their negative health affects for our babies, it is also damaging our environment.

The unabsorbed palmitic acid remaining in the infant’s gut reacts with calcium, and causes the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestines. This important finding has been reported on more than one occasion in the journal Pediatrics, of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Research suggests that the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestinal tract negatively affects a baby’s development and health. Since palmitic acid from palm oil is not absorbed properly, it means overall fat absorption is lower in babies given formula with palm oil. It also indicates that bone mass is significantly lower in babies given formula containing palm oil.

Also, palm oil is causing catastrophic destruction in our world. There have been almost 10,000 fires in the last month across Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) and Sumatra, with the drifting smoke also provoking protests from neighbouring Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

The fires, mostly started deliberately and illegally to clear forest for paper and palm oil production, are on track to match the worst ever year of 1997. This will ultimately affect all of us as it heavily contributing to rising CO2 levels and global warming.

We need to demand from these companies to stop using Palm Oil in their products. It is time to stand up for our children.

As parents we want the best for our babies. We want products that are not only healthy, clean and safe but also sustainable for the planet. As a mother of two little boys, I will do everything in my power to protect them.

It is greatly disappointing to learn that some of the most popular organic brands of formula contain palm oil. Not only are their negative health affects for our babies, it is also damaging our environment.

The unabsorbed palmitic acid remaining in the infant’s gut reacts with calcium, and causes the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestines. This important finding has been reported on more than one occasion in the journal Pediatrics, of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Research suggests that the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestinal tract negatively affects a baby’s development and health. Since palmitic acid from palm oil is not absorbed properly, it means overall fat absorption is lower in babies given formula with palm oil. It also indicates that bone mass is significantly lower in babies given formula containing palm oil.

Also, palm oil is causing catastrophic destruction in our world. There have been almost 10,000 fires in the last month across Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) and Sumatra, with the drifting smoke also provoking protests from neighbouring Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

The fires, mostly started deliberately and illegally to clear forest for paper and palm oil production, are on track to match the worst ever year of 1997. This will ultimately affect all of us as it heavily contributing to rising CO2 levels and global warming.

We need to demand from these companies to stop using Palm Oil in their products. It is time to stand up for our children.

Letter to

The Hain Celestial Group

Whole Foods

Perrigo Company

Please remove Palm Oil from your baby formula. As parents we want the best for our babies. We want products that are not only healthy, clean and safe but also sustainable.

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hain, The Hain Celestial Group, Whole Foods, irwin simon, John

As parents we want the best for our babies. We want products that are not only healthy, clean and safe but also sustainable for the planet. As a mother of two little boys, I will do everything in my power to protect them.

It is greatly disappointing to learn that some of the most popular organic brands of formula contain palm oil. Not only are their negative health affects for our babies, it is also damaging our environment.

The unabsorbed palmitic acid remaining in the infant’s gut reacts with calcium, and causes the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestines. This important finding has been reported on more than one occasion in the journal Pediatrics, of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Research suggests that the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestinal tract negatively affects a baby’s development and health. Since palmitic acid from palm oil is not absorbed properly, it means overall fat absorption is lower in babies given formula with palm oil. It also indicates that bone mass is significantly lower in babies given formula containing palm oil.

Also, palm oil is causing catastrophic destruction in our world. There have been almost 10,000 fires in the last month across Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) and Sumatra, with the drifting smoke also provoking protests from neighbouring Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.

The fires, mostly started deliberately and illegally to clear forest for paper and palm oil production, are on track to match the worst ever year of 1997. This will ultimately affect all of us as it heavily contributing to rising CO2 levels and global warming.

We need to demand from these companies to stop using Palm Oil in their products. It is time to stand up for our children.

Letter to

The Hain Celestial Group

Whole Foods

Perrigo Company

Please remove Palm Oil from your baby formula. As parents we want the best for our babies. We want products that are not only healthy, clean and safe but also sustainable.

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hain, The Hain Celestial Group, Whole Foods, irwin simon, John

Please remove Palm Oil from your baby formula. As parents we want the best for our babies. We want products that are not only healthy, clean and safe but also sustainable. It is greatly disappointing to learn that your brand of baby formula contains palm oil. Not only are their negative health affects for our babies, it is also damaging our environment. The unabsorbed palmitic acid remaining in the infant’s gut reacts with calcium, and causes the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestines. This important finding has been reported on more than one occasion in the journal Pediatrics, of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Research suggests that the formation of “soaps” in the baby’s intestinal tract negatively affects a baby’s development and health. Since palmitic acid from palm oil is not absorbed properly, it means overall fat absorption is lower in babies given formula with palm oil. It also indicates that bone mass is significantly lower in babies given formula containing palm oil. Also, palm oil is causing catastrophic destruction in our world. There have been almost 10,000 fires in the last month across Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) and Sumatra, with the drifting smoke also provoking protests from neighbouring Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. The fires, mostly started deliberately and illegally to clear forest for paper and palm oil production, are on track to match the worst ever year of 1997. This will ultimately affect all of us as it heavily contributing to rising CO2 levels and global warming. Please remove the palm oil from your products. Thank you!

Opdater #19 år siden
Thank you all so much for signing the petition. Please share on Facebook, Twitter, etc. so that we can get more signatures. We have around 500 right now and I want to get the number above 1,000 before reaching out to the companies. It is time to tell companies that we deserve control over what is in our products, especially for the most vulnerable. Thanks so much!
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