USA punish China for Covid-19 cover-up by recognizing Taiwan as an independent nation!

We, the world, on behalf of all the lives lost and of those who suffer, demand President Trump to punish China for the covid-19 Cover-up by officially recognizing Taiwan as the independent nation it is.

It is time for the world to ask "what is the best way to deal with the country that instigated the world wide epidemic in the first place". That is, how to impress upon them that next time they have a viral outbreak they have to be honest, indeed totally transparent about what occurred, even if that means revealing information that is negative to the regime.

Some have suggested confiscating some or all of China's immense holdings in the West. Although worth studying, this might engender economic retaliation we can ill afford at this time.

There is, however, another punishment that costs virtually nothing and would likely be far more potent on the psychological/emotional level...

The United States should abandon the one-China policy that has been in place for decades and recognize Taiwan (aka Republic of China). This would strike at the heart of the CCP's self-image, humiliating and weakening them in the eyes of the world. It would, in essence, put Communist China in its place and likely even have economic ramifications, making their "Belt-and-Road" initiative less attractive to nations around the globe.

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