End horrific experiments on cats at SUNY College of Optometry

It's time pull the plug on terrible experiments that have inflicted immeasurable suffering on hundreds of cats and kittens since 1985.

Trusting and loving cats, some as young as 4 months old, are purchased from suppliers and brought into labs at the State University of NY College of Optometry. There they are cut up and tortured in lengthy procedures that go on for hours.

This horrific, dead-end research has gone on for more than 30 years, consuming $7.95 million taxpayer dollars, and has not resulted in any treatments for vision disorders.
Send your letter today to end these egregious experiments once and for all.

For more information go to http://www.caareusa.org/end_horrific_cat_experiments_at_suny

It was shocking to learn about highly invasive brain research on cats at the State University of New York, College of Optometry. These experiments have been going on since 1985, funded by the National Eye Institute.

For more than three decades, hundreds of cats and kittens have been maimed and killed for arcane and unproductive research to create a map of the cat visual cortex. After more than thirty years of this research, the principal investigator claims that they still only have "a limited understanding of the precise arrangement" of visual neurons.

With the outstanding progress made in human brain mapping over the last twenty years, it is unconscionable to sustain research that is mired in outdated animal methods

The grant that funds these terrible experiments (2R01EY005253-31) is due to end in June of 2018. As members of the tax-paying public, I respectfully request that that these archaic, fruitless, and painful experiments finally be terminated.

Opdater #25 år siden
CAARE is delighted to share the news that these horrific experiments on cats, which went on for 36 years, have been ended permanently. With the help of Care2, our legal team, and especially you, our supporters, we generated thousands of letters to SUNY and to Congress, through two petitions at Care2 that had over a half-million signers combined.

Thank you for joining us in this effort to speak out, and for helping us end these terrible experiments on innocent cats.
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