make big hollow take the yondr pouches away because it won’t work

these yondr puches must be the most idiotic thing bhms has ever thought of, it will be the reason if something bad happens and i could die i wont be able to send a message to my family saying i love them, each student requiring to put EVERY ELECTRONIC DEVICE in these pouches is diabolical, there are hundreds of kids in this school and this could back up the school and cause many students to be late, myself personally and many other i know will not put their devices in there no matter what, if they don't want kids using their phone then they need to make the teachers have class be more exciting because being at big hollow my whole life, i have always had 1 teacher every single year that was boring and made class boring. i've had teachers who made class fun and i was excited for it not needing to use my phone, but others were so extremely boring that i needed some form of entertainment. this WILL make the phone situation worse and kids WILL find out how to still use their phone, i know i will because this rule is absurd and should not be a thing. they need to get real students of bhms to have an opinion on this because i'm very VERY confident not one student had a little bit of say in this, bhms needs to find better strategies than making kids think of sneaky was to use their phone. big hollow has a 2 star review for a reason and this is one.

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