Make palm oil illegal for the sake of the orangutans
- af: Bernadette H
- mottagare: The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
"Orangutans are being killed by widespread deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia, a practice that makes room for palm oil plantations.
In the past 25 years, 76 million acres of Indonesian forests have disappeared. The increasing destruction of their habitats has led to the Bornean orangutan being listed as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservative of Nature, joining the Sumatran orangutan. “It’s a real struggle, and we are losing the battle,” Alan Knight, chief executive of International Animal Rescue, told the Independent.
He added that he has “no hope” for orangutans’ survival in the wild if this destruction of forests continues. He estimates that, at this rate, the Bornean orangutan has just 10 years left before it goes extinct, and the Sumatran likely has less.
“The fires produce quite a good excuse,” Knight told the Independent. “All of a sudden this area they wanted to produce palm oil on, it’s useful for nothing [after being burned], so they end up planting palm oil on it.” He suggested that corporations illegally burn down forests and blame natural forest fires." Addady , Michal. “Palm Oil Could Kill Off Wild Orangutans in Just 10 Years.”
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