Ban Import and Sale of Mill Bred Animals

The lives of all animals bred in mills across the country are dreadful. Whether it is dogs or cats, or hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, birds, fish or reptiles - they all deserve basic care and comfort. Mills don't provide their animals with even basic care. The poor creatures get minimal food and water and they live in filthy, small cages. Their sole purpose in the eyes of the mill owners is to continue to reproduce. The endless cycle of abuse must be stopped!

The first step is banning the sale of all mill-bred animals in pet stores in Washington state. Some states have already taken this critical first step. When most states have followed suit, the mill breeders incentive and source of revenue will be eliminated and their barbaric practices will come to an end.

Sign this petition now. Make Washington state one of the compassionate ones to step up and make this change happen!
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