Demand a plan from the presidential candidates to end tax evasion

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, John Kasich and Ted Cruz

Wealthy Americans are avoiding taxes by setting up anonymous shell corporations right here in the U.S. and no one is stopping them. If we don't want rich people to get away with not paying their taxes, we need to demand to know what each presidential candidate would do to stop them.

The world was scandalized at the recent uncovering of financial crime across the globe in the leaking of The Panama Papers. In these documents was evidence that prominent individuals and politicians worldwide were using Panama's lax laws to commit financial crimes like evading taxes. But very few Americans were exposed by these documents. This is because Americans don't have to go abroad to evade paying taxes - they can just set up anonymous shell company in states like Nevada, Wyoming and Delaware.

Shell corporations don't actually do anything or employ anyone. They exist purely to store and usually hide wealth for illegal purposes, like avoiding taxes. And we can't even begin prosecuting this illegal behavior in the U.S. because the banks don't require an actual person to be listed on the account. This makes it impossible to figure out who is behind the tax evasion.

It's shocking that such a huge tax loophole exists for the wealthy and that no one is doing anything to stop it.

People around the world are demanding accountability from their leaders on this topic. We need to know that our next president will not let the wealthy get away with profiting off of everyday Americans and refusing to pay their taxes. Add your name to demand the presidential candidates outline their plans to crack down on tax evasion.


Wealthy Americans are avoiding taxes by setting up anonymous shell corporations right here in the U.S. and no one is stopping them. If we don't want rich people to get away with not paying their taxes, we need to demand to know what each presidential candidate would do to stop them.

The world was scandalized at the recent uncovering of financial crime across the globe in the leaking of The Panama Papers. In these documents was evidence that prominent individuals and politicians worldwide were using Panama's lax laws to commit financial crimes like evading taxes. But very few Americans were exposed by these documents. This is because Americans don't have to go abroad to evade paying taxes - they can just set up anonymous shell company in states like Nevada, Wyoming and Delaware.

Shell corporations don't actually do anything or employ anyone. They exist purely to store and usually hide wealth for illegal purposes, like avoiding taxes. And we can't even begin prosecuting this illegal behavior in the U.S. because the banks don't require an actual person to be listed on the account. This makes it impossible to figure out who is behind the tax evasion.

It's shocking that such a huge tax loophole exists for the wealthy and that no one is doing anything to stop it.

People around the world are demanding accountability from their leaders on this topic. We need to know that our next president will not let the wealthy get away with profiting off of everyday Americans and refusing to pay their taxes. 

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