Stop Animal Abuse Now with much Tougher Laws in Washington State

    Animal abuse needs much tougher laws and to be enforced. A mere slap on the wrist if a animal abuser is caught just doesn't cut it and sends the wrong kind of message to these criminals that nothing much is going to happen to them so no big deal. That is no way to deter violent crimes. The courts need to start prosecuting people accused of animal cruelty not just dogs and cats but all living animals. The number one change which to me is nothing more than common sense is they should never be allowed to own an animal again. If caught or found out they do have an animal again they will be looking at prison time not just jail time and a small fine but a huge fine. When animal abuse is reported an Officer must act upon it and the animal in question removed while a investigation is performed. If it is found to be true and the animal has been found to be abused or neglected then the courts must act on it and charge the accused with a hefty fine and jailed for at least a month minimum . If found guilty the owner will be restricted from ever owning an animal again, If someone uses any animal for fighting the charge will be even more severe and large fine. Prosecutors will have to act on taking the accused to court and charging them to the full extent of the law and not just left up to if the prosecutor chooses to prosecute the case or not... Anyone that chooses to hurt animals is just as capable of hurting anyone unable to defend themselves. It's long past time to start charging animal abusers more severely in our courts of law and just looking the other way to not be tolerated. Without tougher laws and the laws being enforced to the full extent, there is no hope of ever slowing down the violence inflicted on innocent animals that have no voice of their own or control over what happens to them. Only people can change things and we need to inform our lawmakers we are no longer going to tolerate abuse to animals...that includes all animals. Just because an animal is classified as a herd animal doesn't make it any less deserving of being treated right and doesn't mean they don't feel pain. No one has the right to inflict unnecessary pain on any living feeling animal and it won't be tolerated period.
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