Stop Killing&Abusing Innocent Animals for Dissection!

  • af: Lana Henrich
  • mottagare: NASBE- State Boards of Education

Help stop schools from killing and abusing innocent dogs, frogs, cats, mice, rats, sheep, snakes, turtles and many more animals for biology classes! INSTEAD of keeping these animals in captivity, literally waiting for death, let's wait for the animals to die of NATURAL DEATHS :) Many other options, VIRTUAL DISSECTION being one of them, are available and are much more humane.

Dear State Boards of Education,

I would like to address a nationwide issue that is not only abusive but also inhumane. This is a formal request for you to discontinue the use of animals for dissection labs. These animals, either raised in captivity or taken from their families/homes, these animals spend their lives in cages until they are killed. They are in their death bed from the moment they are born. That can hardly be considered living. Why do people want to make laws against pet-owners hitting/abusing their animals, but not against people murdering and sacrificing animals for the sole purpose of a school laboratory exercise?

I understand that dissection in biology classes are done for educational purposes, however, there are better ways to do them. My proposal is that only animals that have died of natural causes are used for dissection. Along with this, because of the millions of online resources and activities, the usage rates of virtual dissection labs can be increased. Virtual labs fulfill the same educational purposes as regular dissections, but save a lot of time (no need to wait for the animals to grow mature enough to die/be killed it), money (no need to catch or take care of the animals), and most importantly, innocent lives. What can also be done is simply show biology students videos of dissection. With our society's level of technological advancement, there are dozens of options other than real dissection.

Please, on behalf of Animal Activists everywhere, help save innocent creatures (dogs, cats, frogs, mice, rats, turtles, snakes, and many many others). What have they done to deserve this injustice?

"..the question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being?... The time will come when humanity will extend its mantle over everything which breathes..." -Jeremy Bentham (philosopher, jurist, and social reformer)


Lana M. Henrich, and all petitioners apart of this project.

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