Protect our dogs. Prevent dog stealing and dog fighting

Dog stealing is getting out of hand
People are being beaten up whilst walking dogs and dogs snatched
Houses and outhouses/gardens broken into for express aim of stealing dogs
Police are reluctant to investigate despite the fact that dogs are family members.
Dog fighting rings are widespread and police seem unwilling or unable to act against them
The laws around owning dogs needs to be changed so that owners and dogs can be traced more effectively
The law needs to change so that dogs have to be chipped and that vets have to scan every dog when brought into practice for any reason
The punishment against people who steal dogs needs to be harsher

Dear Mr Cameron 

The crime of dog stealing is getting out of hand. People walking their dogs are being threatened or worse and their dogs snatched. Homes are being broken into. Dog walkers followed. Dog owners are scared to walk their dogs and many are taking action to protect themselves and their dogs. The law needs to protect these people. Dog fighting rings are rife and need to be stopped but the police seem unable or unwilling to act. Dogs are being sold on selling sites. Again there needs to be tighter laws a around dog ownership. Dogs need to be licences and tracked as effectively as cars are. It should be compulsory for all bets to scan every dog they see and all dogs must be chipped by law. We are a nation of dog lovers but dog owners are terrified that their dogs will be stolen. The government needs to take notice and act! 

Opdater #110 år siden
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