Revoke License of Veterinarian who Euthanizes Pets Without Permission!

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Police and Judicial System in Fargo, NC Along With Their Veterinary Board

When Ms. Sue Maack of North Dakota called on Dr. Robert Elliott to examine her elderly 16-year-old Shih Tzu, Chloe because of an infected eye, she claims that the vet never examined that eye at all, but pulled out a syringe and simply euthanized the pet. While the doctor claims he obtained permission to put the elderly dog to sleep, the owner claims this is not the case, and there appears to be no paperwork showing that she consent to the procedure. I know from personal experience that most vets will have permission papers signed and continually ask the owners if they are sure and prepared.

It turns out that Ms. Maack filed a claim against Dr. Elliott just one month after his license was suspended in a separate euthanasia complaint. This appears to be a pattern with him! This guy also received complaints for practicing veterinary medicine in the state of Minnesota without being licensed earlier in his career, along with administering services and vaccinations. He has also been found guilty of giving the wrong vaccines to multiple animals in a home as stated by North Dakota resident, Ms. Mischel. This guy does not belong in the animal field because he clearly does not have the well-being of the animals in mind.

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to support this woman with the loss of her dog and ask for this vet's license to be revoked. This is not the first incident involving this vet and we need to stop him from such cruel and neglectful treatment of animals before he kills more. This guy is obviously not in the business for the right reasons, the welfare and well-being of animals. Let's shut him down!

Police and Judicial System in Fargo, NC Along With Their Veterinary Board - You need to read the full history of this veterinarian Robert Elliott and shut him down before he continues his killing spree of animals without permission or pet owners intent. He seems to do what he wants despite the request and concerns of the pet owners, whether it is unwarranted euthanasia or inappropriately vaccinating an animal that can also have adverse or deadly result! Such a person does not take his oath seriously to have the welfare and well-being of pets and their owners in mind and heart at all times! Shut him down before he causes more harm!!

Opdater #110 år siden
check out this little info on wonderful Dr. Elliott -
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