demand an end to animal keychain in china

    In streets of china a lot of souvenirs are sold , one of them includes animal key chains. In these key chains there are ALIVE sea animals in plastic bags with colored water. animals like fish and turtles are packed and sold for 2.41$ each. these animals die within a week due to suffocation and lack of oxygen . the key chains last for 3 months . now think about it, an animal that could live for 40-50 years lives for a week and dies. first of all how can people sell these and the rest buy . this is as good as poaching or even worst because slow death is the worst form of death . WE NEED TO STOP THIS .. NOW . there has to be a change . you can be the change . sign this petition and spread it . if we get more than 10,000 supporters then we can stop this .
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