She Was Hit By a Car Trying to Save a Dog - Help this HS Senior Retain Her Finals Exemption

On May 8th in the morning, Cypress Ranch High School senior Monique Diaz was hit by a car while trying to save a dog - my dog, Jasper. 

She had to go to the hospital to have her leg examined, and didn't go to school that day because of the trauma of seeing a dog she loved get hit by a car, getting hit by the car herself, and carrying the dog's body back to her apartment while injured. Unfortunately, Jasper didn't make it.

Because of these unfortunate events, she was absent to school that day and lost her finals exemptions. Exemptions are a big deal for seniors as they get to exempt every final as long as they maintain a good average and have fewer than 4 absences.

Sign this petition if you think Monique should be able to keep her exemptions considering the reason they were revoked.
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