This petition was started to gather players together who love Ninja Kingdom and want to see it succeed. Since its inception Ninja Kingdom has suffered from a lack of sufficient resources to ensure its success over the long term. We petition Zynga to address these issues:
1. Improve quality controls.
2. Increase response time to player reported global errors
3. Access to some form of individual support and compensation of lost items for all players.
4. Reduce Game costs and time.
5. Communicate prior to publishing Game changes/updates
6. Five minute Warning System before pushing games to automatically reload to receive updates
7. Weekly Top 50 Clan jade rewards to be rewarded to all clan members.
1. Quality Control: New features should be tested more thoroughly before updating a live release to players. Better testing avoids the issues: people finding themselves with no clan, clans unable to kick members, clans with ghost members, duplicate clans on leader board, reuse of event statue causing freezing of troops, No Match Found, Misc error codes while playing (error 0, error 28, error 29, error 120).
Releasing items of a certain strength, having players use their resources and money to upgrade or access those features, only to have the Zynga studio reduce their ability at a later date so players can upgrade once more to reach a level they had previously is not appreciated. Better testing ahead of a release would identify if a troop has a strength that is out of balance to the rest of the game.
Features purported to be accurate should be accurate, not partially accurate or sometimes accurate. The item descriptions, and in some cases the images, are misleading.
2. Known Issues being reported by multiple players should be placed on the Zynga Support Known Issues page in a prompt and timely manner. This will allow the players experiencing these problems to know that Zynga is aware of the matter, a simple check box to click to get their account listed as having the problem and a space where they can watch for further updates regarding the matter.
4. Reduce Costs: The amount of resources needed to upgrade within the game become increasingly prohibitive to game play. Upgrades requiring 10 days or more or thousands of jade are not conducive to a fun game experience. With the current trend, there could be buildings/troops taking weeks or months in the future, which is not acceptable. Basic game play use costs soar as the levels increase, forcing simple game play to be pay-only at the higher levels.
All players should have access to some of the better Jade discount sales, not just a selected group
5. Game Updates: The players, as the end consumer, are entitled to know what game-related changes are made in game updates. All troop strength decreases/increases, cost changes, new features added or old features removed all influence how we play and how we spend. These changes should be posted and not hidden. A location with patch notes for each update release would suffice.
6. Five minute Warning System before pushing games to automatically reload to receive updates Other games in this same genre have a 5 minute warning timed notice when an automatic game update is being sent to the players. Ninja Kingdom, (and all Zynga games), need a similar delivery mechanism so we are not losing Jade, resources and trophies when an update occurs in the middle of a battle.
7. Weekly Top 50 Clan jade rewards to be rewarded to all clan members:
All clan members in the weekly top 50 should receive jade rewards, not just the top 20 in each clan. All members contribute to clan placement and all should receive a reward. A one week required stay within a clan before receiving rewards could help prevent clan jumping.
We are not programmers or designers, but as players of Ninja Kingdom we are partners with Zynga and we contribute to the success of Ninja Kingdom. As such, we deserve and desire a more formal, advisory group of players to represent the players' interests to Zynga.
We petition Zynga to focus more time and resources to solve the chronic problems that impact the daily Ninja Kingdom player and endanger the success of Ninja Kingdom in the long term. We request a more formal, advisory group of players to represent the players' interests to Zynga.
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