Demand an end to abuse / neglect at Keatchi Antiques

This petition is to stop the animal abuse and neglect that goes on in Keatchi at the antique store on the corner. She sales poor innocent puppies and does not care for them. Come rain, sleet, or extreme heat she keeps those puppies in a small cage outside in the weather. She does not give them food or water, nor does she at least put a blanket on them in the cold. The day I stopped these puppies were covered in their own feces and shivering. It brought me to tears. There are several witnesses including a vet that will vouch for her neglect. She has sold countless sick puppies and some have even died. Several people have stopped in to ask her to at least put the puppies inside in extreme weather, they were told by the owner, Misty (unsure of her last name) that they were fine and used to it. Enough is enough. We the people are demanding she be stopped for the sake of these innocent animals. She has no care for them only the money she intends to make off them. It is sad really. We must all stand together to be the voice of these animals!

Opdater #310 år siden
Thank you all for your support on this matter. I have printed the signatures and they will be mailed to the Louisiana humaine society tomorrow! I sincerely hope and pray that they stop her. As soon as we find out something I will be sure to update you all!
Opdater #210 år siden
We've got almost enough to send in. Once we reach 1000 signatures I will be mailing them to the humaine society. Once again I would like to thank you all for your help and support.
Opdater #110 år siden
We have 560 signatures.... I'm amazed at all the people willing to help save these babies!!!! We have a lot of work to do but it will pay off in the long run!!! Now that I have free time.... I am also going to print this out and start getting more signatures. If anyone has any helpful information that will help please contact me or Chelsey Smith.... Thank you all
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