BOYCOTT movies using immoral actors such as Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer Lopez
- af: leanne cordner
- mottagare: Peter Rice, CEO 20th Century Fox. Vice Chairman, Paramount Pictures Rob Moore . Ronald Meyer CEO Universal Studios. Robert Shaye CEO New Line Cinema. Vie President Daniel Pipski Miramax
I strongly believe in standing up and being counted and "hitting people where it hurts".
we need to Boycott companies,individuals and anyone else who insists on trying to make money from animal USE and/or ABUSE.
whether it's the likes of lopez-wearing the fur of animals skinned alive for vain greed and blood money, or the likes of matthew mcconaughey who used his wages from the unsusupecting public to go and buy a business using and exploiting animals which now boasts CANNED HUNTING as one of their notches.
while we think nothing of this and trot along to the cinema, what message are we really sending to the movie bosses? employ who and what you want? we have no morals either.
allegedly several animals died in the making of the Hobbit.
whether it's TRYING to avoid buying items from China or Korea due to their horrendous treatment of living creatures again for MONEY,or choosing to watch a relatively cruelty free movie instead....this is the CHOICE we have.
Animals have NO CHOICE.
PLEASE think and choose wisely...for the animals of this planet.
thankyou. <3
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