House the homeless: build more social housing!

8,000 people are currently homeless across Ireland, including 3,000 children, according to official figures. These shocking numbers do not even include rough sleepers, meaning that the actual total is even higher.

Responding to Ireland's unprecendented housing crisis, the Peter McVerry Trust says the government needs to prioritise housing the homeless. The trust, which works to alleviate homelessness, warns that hundreds more will become homeless in the coming month before Ireland's 2018 budget is announced. Fittingly, the budget announcement will be on 10th October, which is World Homeless Day.

Please sign this petition to demand that the governement double up its social housing commitment build 90,000 social housing units over the next five years. Together we can send the message loud and clear that the homeless population, including families and children, deserve better.
The Irish Government:


There is a homelessness crisis in Ireland. 8,000 people, including 3,000 children, are homeless. This is in addition to rough sleepers. 


More social housing is needed. Please double your commitment, and build 90,000 social housing units over the next five years.


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