Stop the inhumane ritual slaughter of animals under the guise of religion. Halal meat comes from animals who were slaughtered without sedation and in agony.
By dividing the meat of these animals Lidl support the inhumane slaughter. Animals deserve our respect and a gentle death, no gruesome throat cutting and choking in agony in their own blood! A religion should guarantee peace against any living creature, slaughtering animals in such a horrible way should not be an option.
Lidl: Stop just thinking about your benefits also think about the animals! Stop selling halal meat in your chain!
Dear Mr. B. van den Brand,
As successor to Mr.Højer I send this petition to you. It bothers me and many others that halal meat is sold in Lidl.
Halal meat comes from animals who were slaughtered without sedation and died in agony. That is inhumane and unacceptable for non-Muslims. We do not want these cruel massacres of animals and do not wish to see such meat in our shops.
By dividing halal meat Lidl supports the inhumane slaughter and that cannot be justified. Animals deserve our respect no gruesome throat cutting and choking in agony in their own blood! No religion should ask such cruel actions against animals. So stop just thinking about the benefits, but act human and stop selling halal meat in your chains.
Scientists have proven that chickens slaughtered in this way will experience for at least 20 seconds horrible pains, a cow even longer: the pain is tremendous...
I was hoping for 2000 signatures but received almost 2600 signatures. Hopefully that will make you think ...
Stop distributing halal meat !
Kind regards,
Opdater #210 år siden
Only 7 days left to sign this urgent petition !! Please sign and ask your friends and acquaintances to sign as well. Do not close your eyes for such a horror ! Help me to achieve 2000 signatures before the end of the month ! Thank you
Opdater #110 år siden
Dear animal friends,
Thank you all for signing this petition.
In the meantime we are already July 21 and time is running out. Ask your friends and acquaintances also to sign. We still have 10 days left to get up to 2000 signatures.
Help us reach our goal! Thank you all!
Kind regards, Patsy