Punishment for monsters who killed a dog by pushing firecrackers in his mouth on New Year's eve

  • af: Dejan Petrovic
  • mottagare: Serbian Prime Minister, Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic

       This monstrous act happened on New Year, 31st of December in one of the biggest streets in the capital of the country. The dog died day after from internal bleeding and wounds caused by firecrackers.

       We as citizens have witnessed some really deplorable and sickening cases of abuse over the past 10 years. The last in long line of these abuses is a stray dog who was left with his head disfigured by firecrackers pushed in his mouth. There was wire hanging from his body. This was a big dog, so it took more than one person to do this. Last reports say that there were three people involved. People won't come out with any information and police is getting no results.
        People in Serbia are desperate for harsher laws when it comes to those who are abusing animals. There are cases of abuse on daily basis and people are helpless while government is punishing financially those who are feeding animals and caring for them, instead of those who are torturing and killing them. Individuals who kill or torture animals are just financially fined and never get a jail sentence.
      Help us to make the horrible death of this dog mean something and not to go unpunished. Please share this petition!
Opdater #29 år siden
On January 17th a protest was organized by people who are demanding justice for this horrible crime and for the perpetrators to be caught. We are a few signatures shy of 3000 signatures, but we are still not close to our goal of 5000. Please help us one more time, by sharing this petition. A big thank you to everybody who has signed the petition so far. Your voice means a lot and it is great support.
Opdater #19 år siden
Activist for animal rights demanded to file a report on January the 5th. about this case to the police and the inspector they talked with, denied their demand, explaining that the case has already been sent to the prosecutor's office.Questions about who filed the report previously and with what evidence are left unanswered. No one has come forward yet with any information. This is an abuse of both justice and power. Please help us reach more people by sharing this petition.
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