Help Save Chris Vassey!

Christopher Vassey served 5 years in the United States Army with a decorated combat tour. After returning from Afghanistan he decided the war contradicted his moral values and personal political beliefs. With another combat tour just around the corner, and carrying the haunting memories of war, Sergeant vassey made a decision that would change his life forever for what he believes.

The Sergeant Packed his bags and headed north to our great country of Canada. He has been here for about a year and fully adapted to make Toronto Ontario his new home. He has made friends, family, and dreams of a bright peaceful future in Canada. If permitted he wants to become a permanent resident and work towards his citizenship.

Please sign his petition  so we can help give him a chance.

We the undersigned and the Canadian people hereby support Christopher Vassey to permanently stay in Canada. We support his efforts in working with the Canadian government  to achieve permanent residence status. Please let him stay in his new country on humanitarian grounds.

Thank you-
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