We Support PCRM (Physicians comitte for Responsible Medicine)

We oppose unethical human experiments. While great strides have been made in eliminating such experiments, We promote alternatives to animal research and animal testing. We have worked to put a stop to gruesome experiments, such as the military’s cat-shooting studies, DEA narcotics experiments, and monkey self-mutilation projects.

We also promote nonanimal methods in medical education. Currently, more than three-quarters of all U.S. medical schools have dropped their animal labs for medical students.

PCRM Homepage


We're doing everything we can at PCRM to get these intelligent, sensitive animals out of laboratories in 2012. This week, we sent the federal government a plan that could help accomplish this.

 PCRM Board of Directors:

Neal D. Barnard, M.D., President

Russell Bunai, M.D., Treasurer and Secretary

Mindy Kursban, Esq., Director

Mark Sklar, M.D., Director

Barbara Wasserman, M.D., Director

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