Anna Faris Abandoned Pete the Chihuahua - Demand She Donate to a Shelter & Face Consequences

Actress Anna Faris adopted a chihuahua named Pete in 2012. Last week Pete was found wandering around alone in North Hollywood, dirty and emaciated. 

Anna Faris apparently knows the situation and she and her husband Chris Pratt said they are going to find a family for Pete. But they abandoned him and he could have died on the streets, they should not have a say in his future. 

Faris has been fined $5000 for abandoning Pete. When Faris adopted Pete, she signed a contract saying she would not rehome him. Now, the shelter - Kinder4rescue - is considering legal recourse. Please sign this petition to urge them to do so, and/or to urge Anna to donate to the shelter.
Opdater #18 år siden
We are now also asking Anna Faris to donate to the shelter where she got Pete from. Please share this petition on Facebook! >>
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